22 Apr 10 Interesting Earth Day Facts – 50th Anniversary
50TH ANNIVERSARY – 04/22/2020
1. Earth Day was created in 1970 by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson.
2. During the first Earth Day in 1970, an estimated 20 Million people participated in protests, demonstrations, fundraisers, nature walks, speeches, concerts, and every sort of civic gathering imaginable at colleges, public squares, and parks across the United States.
3. Choosing the day of April 22nd was a calculated choice to maximize participation from college students. Then graduate student at Harvard University, Denis Hayes, was national recruiter for the movement and decided that Earth Day would fall between Spring Break and Final Exams.
4. In 1990, Earth Day expanded internationally. That year, 200 Million people across 141 nations were involved.
5. Internationally, April 22nd is known as “INTERNATIONAL MOTHER EARTH DAY.”
6. The theme for Earth Day 2020 is “Climate Action”
7. The first Earth Day in 1970 inspired the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts, according to the EPA.
8. It’s estimated that over 1 billion people participate every year in Earth Day activities.
9. On Earth Day in 2011, people planted 28 million trees in Afghanistan as part of a “Plant Trees Not Bombs” campaign.
10. Everyone can participate, in their own little way, in Earth Day. There are dozens of virtual events happening on Wednesday April 22, 2020 for you to advocate, celebrate and learn about Mother Earth.